networking basics

networking basics
networking basics image
NetBIOSNetBIOS (Network Basic Input Output System) is a program that allows application on different computers to communicate within a LAN (Local Area Network). It was developed by IBM and Sytek for PC connectivity. NetBIOS is an interface between the OSI transport and session layers. NetBIOS is used in OS / 2 and UNIX operating system. NetBIOS is now the de facto standard for the origins of IBM. Supports Ethernet, token ring, ARCNET, StarLan.SERVICES:A NETBIOS command provides three distinct services. or service name for the recording of the communication session or connection-oriented service name. or datagram distribution service for connectionless communication linkNAME SERVICES:Name services offer the ability to install a LAN card with multiple logical names. It is the length of 16bytes NetBIOS names used to refer to a "type" similar to port numbers. * Add name-register a NetBIOS name * Add the name of the group record a NetBIOS name-name-group * Delete a recording of a NetBIOS name or group name * Find name-search for names on the network.SERVICE SESSION:Session provides a reliable communication over network applications can exchange information. The packets are received in order and blocked in user packs messages.Duplicated are detected and discarded by the service session. * Call Log * Hear hear access to a NetBIOS name. * Hang up-close a session * Send-send a packet to the computer at the other end of the session. * Send no ACK-send a packet to the other end of the session, but does not require confirmation. * Receive-wait for a packet to get from one issue to another end of the session.DATAGRAM DISTRIBUTED SERVICES:Send, Send-transmission, reception and dissemination Receiving Datagram.Datagram is a unit of information or a data byte specified by the sender. Datagram provides reliable transmission capacity with the large cast. Each message is sent independently, they must be smaller. There is no recognition or the location of the datagram. It is also responsible for the detection and error recovery.

Basics Network1. The Internet Protocol (IP) is the main communication protocol of the Internet protocol suite to transmit datagrams over network boundaries. Its routing function allows networks to interconnect, and essentially establishes the Internet.2. TCP is one of the main protocols in TCP / IP networks. Whereas the IP protocol deals only with packets TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees delivery of data and also guarantees that packets will be delivered in the same order in which they were sent.3. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a communications protocol that offers a limited amount of service when messages are exchanged between computers in a network using the Internet Protocol (IP). UDP is an alternative to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and, together with IP, it is sometimes referred to as UDP / IP.4. OSI (Open System Interconnection) is the reference model for how applications can communicate over a network. The purpose of the OSI reference model is to guide providers and developers so that digital communication products and create software will interact, and to facilitate the comparison of the means of communication clear.The main concept of OSI is that the process of communication between two points in a telecommunication network can be divided into seven distinct groups of related functions, or layers.Each user or a communication program is a computer able to provide the seven layers of function. So, in a given message between users, there will be a flow of data through the layers from the source computer (second OSI) through the network and then through the computer that receives the layers (Layers will soon be in common).Note: This model is used for all suppliers that produce network devices should follow the same standards. This is important because we want devices to interoperate. If someone (supplier) uses its own standard, it is likely that the device is not compatible / interoperable with other network devices. User / client does not prefer such a device, they do not want to depend on a single product. Nobody likes monopoly. Today device that operates from and is compatible with other products is considered the best.Networking Basics: Stateless FirewallThese firewalls use of techniques stateless packet filtering, do not maintain a stateful packet as in stateful firewall. It has a set of rules and compares the packets with the rule sets of packet filtering.Matching rule decides if a packet is authorized or not.Firewall stateless advantage: it uses less memory, because there is no need to maintain the status of packages.Disadvantages of stateless firewall:1. CPU usage is high because it has to consult any rule defined for each package.2. Setting rules are set once inside the device, which is ineffective in some cases.Example: For example, to enable clients behind a firewall to be able to receive answers to DNS servers on the Internet, the firewall must accept UDP packets. But the port number the client can be assigned dynamically from anywhere between 1024 and 64 KB. Stateless firewalls can not accommodate these dynamic information. To activate the service based on large UDP, stateless firewall will allow UDP packets on all ports that are between 1024 and 64 KB.This opens security holes. For example, an attacker can create a demon UDP on a compromised host with a port between 1024 and 64K, they say 5000. The attacker will be able to connect to that host on port 5000 for remote control, although there is firewall protection that host stateless.The basic guide for the design of the rules of the firewall is to deny everything, except what we must explicitly permit. But stateless firewall must open its wider network, as not able to handle dynamic ports. This condition significantly reduces the protection of the security of the firewall.I have heard it said before that the difference between people "success" and those who do not achieve the same success that the person is "non-success" does not do what the successful person has done or will do. How can we convert that over Networking Basics Why should I promote and what is the purpose of the network?In today's economy, we are all looking for unique ways to reach out and touch new people. I like to call the network effectively. Networking is done when the time spent in building relationships creates an impact on your future. What is the alternative? Advertising!Unfortunately, the cost of advertising has skyrocketed and I can certainly understand why. Between the economy and the Internet, many advertising media such as newspapers, postcards, objects of Valu-pak etc. struggling because people who normally advertise reduced their budget. The advertising dollar is usually the first place to get cut when times are tough, and I think that because fewer dollars to spend, advertisers have raised rates to those who continue to do the advertising right to stay even. Regardless, I see advertising as very passive, hoping against hope that someone can see your ad, and they need what you have to offer.I know that the advertising company, looking for advertisers who call seems hopeless. They tell you that this is going to a public "x amount of thousands of people." It seems incredible. Now be honest, when was the last time you paid more than a newspaper, broadcast or coupons sent and then acted on it? You can cut out the coupon and never actually call, or stop using it. (True, there are some industries that so well with such advertising, but not much) EX: 150,000 shipped, how many children? And how many of these children would have a son who would be interested in Marshall Arts? Among those who are interested, as many are already enrolled in a program? And if a child enrolled mailing, how long they should be involved in re-coup the money spent on an ad? 18 months?We all think that we have to offer is the best thing since sliced ​​bread! And who would not want to save money, get a free gift, or come to the event that you are promoting? The sad truth is that you think that, because it is your world, not theirs. In fact, I think it's a very small number that still seems like offerings, and generally less than 1% could examine it. To complicate matters further more, it is important to make a commitment of at least a minimum of seven times before you could get a return of 1%. Take your cost of advertising 7. It 'a lot of money to have two or maybe three customers and the fact of the matter is that many people, after spending advertising dollars once, twice, three times and gave no response, just stop. The only winner is the advertising agency. Statistics tell us that if maintained, somebody's going to jump on board, but with the cost, you might be out of business by then.
OK! You Soap Box Time ...Now I do not do it often, but it pains me to see so many people struggle to harness the awesome power of "networking".Networking as defined by is an association of individuals with a common interest, formed to provide mutual assistance, information, or the like. The network can be an important life and social skills to be used to catapult to success in any brick and mortar or home.If this is the case, and we continue to see the employees after Alto Alto employees using this technique, so why so many neglect this powerful tool? I think part because most people do not feel as if they have what it takes in the network as the "Big Dogs".Before continuing, I want to make something perfectly clear to all, you already know how to network and have done all my life, you can never understand how to improve the process.So with that said, I want to expose a few simple steps, simple steps most Top Earners fail to tell the network.These steps are essential and duplicable.Step 1 - Get Out ThereMake available to others. I know we all want to work on our web presence and make our social media sites look perfect. But remember those who will be most beneficial to you are the ones that you have known personally. This is because what you actually meet that you know personally, can put a face to a name.Getting out is easy; attend a party, go to an event business seminar or training, be part of an organization.Now, meet new people and attending social functions is not enough.Step 2 - Getting preparedThis means you need to research on what events will be beneficial to you. Do some research done on the organization (s) or people who will be there. To know what to expect, and to be informed about potential contacts to stand out from the rest. Being prepared will help you stay more focused on the people, that is the key to powerful network!STEP 3 - Be assertiveWhen you are on a network, it should be affirmed. Go to people and introduce yourself, do not wait for them to approach you. Do not spend too much time with people you already know, get out of your comfort zone. Push your limits will ensure that you are always meeting new people and add them to your network.STEP 4 - Not sell, Network!Please, do not make the mistake of trying to convince people that the first time you meet them! This will either make you look better as an opportunist or at worst arrogant and concerned. In any case they send the wrong signals.Less than trying to close the deal will also give you more time to focus on the new connection. Now I say this because it will be considered the best conversationalist and people call you, if you ask them questions and let them speak for themselves. Human beings are selfish by nature and will have every opportunity to raise awareness of what they do and what they enjoy doing. Use this to your advantage and gather as much information they are willing to give and then be able to solve their problems and support their passions and you will be their new best friend and will sing your praises.STEP 5 - Provide valueAlways ready to give 10 to 20 times more than you get. Know that you are traveling on boy / girl and you have the skills and knowledge that others can benefit from making more willing to come to you for advice and tips, as well as, tell their friends about you topic.Review these 5 simple steps often allow you to create a powerful network that will add value not only your life, but your business as well.Please remember that the appearance of establishing relations network is a long-term commitment to learn more about themselves and each other and you might be able to do together what we can not do (or can not do so) alone. An always-on network is a vast resource available at low cost staff. It can help achieve a number of goals that otherwise might be too hard or unreachable. Networking can play a key role in connecting you with a wide range of people who can help you achieve more, no matter what "more" means to you.

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